Are you an athlete, into sports or just want to take good care of your body?
Are you currently unable to train due to an injury or chronic pain?
Should rehabilitation be on your agenda then Jane Rother is the right physiotherapist at your side.

The solution is already known to your body. My task is to identify the right solution together with you and to get you back on track.




Jane Rother

Dipl. Physiotherapist

Jane Rother

Originally from Berlin, Jane Rother completed her studies as a massage therapist at the well-known “Bildungszentrum fuer Berufe im Gesundheitswesen” in Berlin Buch followed by the qualification as a physiotherapist (SRK). Over the years she completed several post studies in Germany and Switzerland focusing on chiropractic, lymph- and edema therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy with special focus on soccer, k-taping, personal training, pilates and fascia training.

Janes has been working at various clinics and private practices in Switzerland since 2006. A key experience of her curriculum was the time she spent at the Swiss Olympic Medical Center in Leukerbad (Switzerland) where she worked closely with top athletes. She soon took over the lead as the Head of the Department for orthopedics, rheumatology and traumatology and supervised physiotherapy students from HES-SO Wallis.

Jane is very interested in different holistic treatment approaches. She continuously invests time and effort to further educate herself. She travelled to Australia, India and the US where she worked with local GPs, healers and other therapists to compare and integrate new treatment approaches. She combines the “traditional” western approach with alternative treatments allowing the patient to benefit from Jane’s entire experiences gained over the past ten years.

“I am convinced that everyone can create the awareness of a healthy body. We just need to find the key to it.”

Education and Competencies

  • Physiotherapy
  • Soccer Physiotherapy
  • Personal Training
  • Massage/Sports Massage
  • Triggerpoint Therapy
  • Manual Therapy
  • Osteopathic Techniques
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • K-Taping
  • Pilates
  • Egyptian Yoga
  • Fascial Fitness
  • Nerve Mobilisation
  • Back Training/Ergonomics
  • Balance Training
  • Strength & Coordination Training
  • Mobility & Vitality Training
  • Stability Training for the inner and outer muscles
  • Electrotherapy/Ultrasound

What my clients are saying …

Ich nenne Jane nicht umsonst „Zauberhändchen“. Als ich vor einigen Jahren bei einem Sportunfall einen Bandscheibenvorfall erlitt, wollte ich meinem Rücken wöchentlich etwas Gutes tun. Eine professionelle Massage hilft, die gesamte Muskulatur zu entspannen und entsprechend die krampfhaften Schmerzen zu reduzieren oder ganz verschwinden zu lassen.

Mit Jane habe ich eine hoch professionelle, sympathische und hilfsbereite Therapeutin gefunden, die mir in all den Jahren schon so viele Tipps und Übungen mit auf den Weg gegeben hat. Sie hat ein unglaublich grosses Wissen über den menschlichen Körper und wendet verschiedenste Therapie-Formen an, die sehr ziel- und lösungsorientiert sind.

Da ich verschiedenste Sportarten tätige und ab und zu eine Blessur davon trage, bin ich sehr dankbar, einmal die Woche bei Jane sein zu können. Sie konnte mir bisher bei all meinen Sportverletzungen optimal helfen und mich von lästigen Schmerzen befreien. Danke Jane!

Jane hat eine Gabe sich in ihre Klienten hineinzudenken und mit ihrer positiven und aufgestellten ehrlichen einfühlsamen Art zu helfen. Sie hat goldene Hände und liebt den menschlichen Körper. Ihr Talent zuzuhören vermittelt dem Patienten das Gefühl, ernst genommen zu werden.

I know Jane since 2 years now; she is a wonderful person to be around with very diverse and complete knowledge in physiotherapy.

I have an active and intense professional life which brings me often to high stress level for long periods. I do massage with Jane every other week as one way to coop with my physical and emotional stress.

What I value most is Jane’s broad knowledge which makes her apply the most efficient type of massage each time. She really knows how to release pressure ranging from lower back pain to knee or hand discomfort to bad mood or anxiety.  I happily recommend her now to all my friends.

I have suffered from scoliosis for many years. Jane was highly recommended to me by several people in Switzerland and I have been thoroughly impressed by her amazing knowledge and skill.

Jane’s approach is very professional and she has treated me as a patient in a caring and holistic manner. Jane looks for the causes behind the injuries. She looks to find individual solutions tailored to my needs. I would definitely recommend Jane.

“Es ist erstaunlich: Jane analysiert messerscharf und bringt durch Training hartnäckige Schmerzen zum verschwinden”.

“Body and Soul werden bei Jane wieder in Einklang miteinander gebracht. Sie sieht und spürt durch ihre Hände und ihre Intuition. Das ist einmalig. Man fühlt sich aufgehoben, verstanden, kurz in guten Händen. Ein Glück, dass mir Jane “zugefallen” ist. Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar.”


Make an appointment directly!

Call me or send me a text message!
+41. 76. 494 62 15 

If you need further information, please send me your request here via email!

Here is where you find me!

InBody Solution GmbH:
Tischenloostrasse 59
CH-8800 Thalwil

Practice Opening Hours:
Mo – Fr 10:00 – 20:00 Uhr

You can reach the practice via public transport. Bus 142, bus stop “Alterszentrum Serata” or via car.
There are enough free parking spaces directly next to the building.